I don't have much time right now (dang final exams, I should be studying for an Employment Law final right now) but I wanted to tell everyone just how smart Melody is. If she sees this post she may delete it, sorry. As many of you know, Melody began taking online classes this year through the college here in Salem. Melody attended some college right after high school but then has taken five years off to go to Massage Therapy School, Cosmetology School and of course take care of me and the girls. After such a long absence wouldn't you think she would be a little rusty in the academic department? No, and it makes me sick. She took three classes and got straight A's. She got a perfect 4.0! If the school gave out A+'s, she would have had a 4.3 because she finished each course with higher than 100%. She was informed this week that she made the Academic Honor Roll. She did all of this while taking care of three crazy screaming girls and me (mostly absent husband/father trying to stay above water in law school). Most of her homework and studying came between 9 p.m. and 1 or 2 in the morning. She is pretty nerdy, but quite smart and so incredibly wonderful and beautiful. So if you see her, give her a pat on the back or a congratulations, or something, she deserves it. Melody, the girls and I love you and are very proud of you, keep up the good work.