I first moved down here absolutely hating everything about it. But, I now love my ward, my amazing friends, and our neighborhood. If we get the house we put an offer in on, then we will be in another ward and in a new neighborhood. While I hear the new ward is amazing, it is huge with a ton of young couples. On the outside that sounds nice, but I would feel like we would get lost. With our ward now I'm happy that I feel like we add to our ward. We feel needed and wanted. Our girls love our yard in our rental house, we live on the corner so we have a nice view of the mountains, and we are less than a mile from the temple! We can't buy our rental and we have tried to find a house in this subdivision and we can't find anything in our budget. This is so frustrating. I'm wondering if all these doubts are creeping up because we should find out in a couple days if we have just bought a house, or if we really shouldn't have it and instead just wait for something else.
The new house is fantastic, but it doesn't "wow" me. Brandon and I talked about it and we don't think anything can "wow" us in our price range. We have looked almost everyday for the past 3 months and nothing compares to this house. My question is, does a good decision always get divine confirmation? I would like to think that if something is not the best thing for us then God wouldn't let it happen, but we all know that's not true. So...what to do, what to do? Free agency right? There have been only a handful of times in my life that I truly felt God's hand in my life, and one of those times was when we moved here and into this ward. That leads me to another question. Should we buy a house based on the ward? My answer is no since wards change so frequently, but why were we inspired to be here and then just leave?
I guess all of this is a little premature since we don't even know if we got it. I am going to go forward with it, I'm just hoping it's the right thing to do.
Cal & Brock
8 months ago