So I've been getting a lot of crap for not updating my blog. Honestly, I have not had one free minute. Right this second my kids are ransacking Cali's room and Cali is climbing ontop of our office desk and I am postponing my math paper to blog about nothing worth while in my life(don't ask why I have to write a paper in math, I don't know). But if it makes you happy...
Brandon has finally made it to his last semester of law school. Now we are job hunting and the odds aren't looking so hot, so if any of you know of any firms hiring please let us know.
I am in school again and should be done by the time Brandon is done with the bar which brings me to a story. I have a know-it-all in my group in math class. Yesterday we took a test (individual test) and we finished about the same time. We walked out in the hall and were discussing the test when she proceeds to tell me that my answers looked pretty good but I got one wrong. Okay, first off, why was she looking at my test in the first place, and second why on earth would she point out my mistake! Who are you crazy lady?!!! Are you the teacher?!!! No!!!! So, while trying to figure out a problem she was stuck on she was looking at my paper and correcting it. If she gets a better grade I'm gonna tell the teacher:) Okay, I won't be that childish, but I really really wanna!
Cal & Brock
8 months ago
Yay! An update! I thought I was going to have to delete you off my blog list. :) And I would totally tell the teacher that girl was cheating.
I'm so happy that you blogged!!! I have been waiting forever for it. Although I probably should be speeking such since I need to update mine too. :> I also agree with Mary-Anne you need to tell the teacher that she cheated off of you. Give the teacher the entire story.
Good to see you again in the blogging world. I loved the update. Your girls are so cute! Good luck to Brandon, I am sure there is a great job out there just waiting for him.
About the Secret...I am not a big believer, but my sister-in-law totally believes it works. I think it is more just making things happen, not really things happening to you. But who knows. ;)
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