Halloween was a success. The girls had more fun giving out candy at our door than doing the trunk or treat. They were plastered to the window next to our front door and when trick-or-treaters came up the sidewalk they would do a happy dance before opening the door. Of course, Adia woke up this morning puking all over the place, so I think we will have to stick to veggies and water today to work all that candy out of our systems.
Brandon and I were invited to the most awesome Halloween party I had ever been to last week. It was 80's theme, so I decided to make us Ms. PacMan and Ghost costumes. The costumes turned out great, but I didn't even think about how massive they would be. At the party we had to stand against a wall because we couldn't fit anywhere! It was worth it though, we took home the prize for best Arcade Look-a-Likes. I can't bear to throw the costumes out, but they are so huge they take over a side of our garage. What am I going to do with these things?
Last week was a good week, I was really happy. But, the last few days have been really tough for me. I think I need to get outside and enjoy the sunshine today and count my blessings. I could go on for hours listing the things I think I have failed at. I've handled these emotions before (usually monthly if you know what I mean), so I know I will snap out of it. Monday's are especially hard because I always have a great weekend with the family and then Brandon takes off for work. On a more positive note, I have found an awesome running buddy who makes it easier to get out and run. On Saturday we ran 4 1/2 miles. I want to make it up to 5 this week.
Another thing I can't wait for is Reno this coming weekend. I miss family so much, and we will be down there for our newest nephew Jackson's baptism. Oh, I can't wait.