I AM SO SICK!!!!! My throat feels like I have needles poking out of it. Yuck! So, after dinner last night I crawled up on the couch and fell asleep. I even missed my Chuck! I went to bed when the girls did and fell asleep for a full 12 hours. Peace on Earth.
I am so impressed with what a wonderful father Brandon is. When he came home last night he immediately went outside and started playing catch with the girls. Then, he took it upon himself to do Family Home Evening with the twins. I was busy cleaning Cali's poop off of the training seat and bathing her stinking butt. So, he read out of the Friend, and played music from the interactive music player, and prayed with them. He is amazing. I am so grateful everyday that I could snag him. Why am I so lucky? I think the Lord just knew that I would need someone with a really strong faith to save my stubborn soul.
Cal & Brock
8 months ago
Bahahahhahahaha...your stubborn soul eh?! Love it!
Sorry you are feeling sick. Wish I lived closer so I could bring you some of my homemade chicken noodle soup that always helps my throat when feeling sick. Get better soon! Brandon is also lucky for snagging you too! Love you all!
You do have a sweet husband but you are an amazing women that deserves it. I hope you get to feeling better soon.
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