This house hunting thing sucks! Why does House Hunters and Property Virgins make it look so easy? You look at 3 houses and you pick one, piece of cake! Oh no! They don't show you the 20 or so houses they had to look at before they could narrow it down to those three. They don't show you the numerous offers you have to make before actually being accepted by a seller. They don't go into the frustration behind short sales, 203K loans, and the cost of replacing carpet. I heard that this whole process would be difficult, but it is so emotional I can't stand it. Brandon warns me before we walk into any house that I shouldn't get attached, but it is so hard not to imagine where your furniture will go and what color to paint each room because that is the most exciting part of buying a home, making it your own. Anyway...we put an offer on a short sale, we are waiting for the seller to get his butt back into town to sign the papers so we can sign his counter and get on with this. He's only countering with the exclusion of a home warranty so it's pretty safe to assume he will accept it after we take that off.
I'm also having mixed emotions about the house we chose. I am always thinking that there is going to be something better. The house is fantastic and in a great neighborhood, it's a good deal, but it is in a new ward. Now, 2 months ago that would have been a really good thing, but I have really been enjoying our ward lately. I got a new calling that has tremendously increased my testimony and I would be sad to leave something I have invested so much time into. However, I am getting ahead of myself because since it is a short sale we won't find out for several months if the banks will accept our offer. Here is a link so you can look at some pictures
There have been so much I wanted to blog about recently and I can't remember what I was going to say. We gardened today! Freshly cut grass smells so good!
Cali said something cute the other day. After sneezing about 3 times in a row she said, "Mom, my bless yous keeps coming out!"
We are watching the craziest movie right now called Ponyo. It is a Disney movie, but it is Anime style, so weird. Brandon called me a xenophobe last night because I didn't want to watch this Japanese film that one of his co-workers said we HAVE to watch called Departures. I have nothing against foreign culture, but foreign films are usually crazy! This one was actually pretty good, just sad. Not sad sad, happy sad. I cried the whole time. I hate crying over movies. I don't watch TV to cry, that's stupid. I watch TV to escape sad and laugh at stupid people. That's entertainment.
I have a sore throat. BAD!!!! It hurts to swallow my own spit. So you know what I'm gonna do? Go to the store, buy and apple pie and some ice cream and watch a funny movie.
This post is for Kristin. She was getting on my butt about not posting and I tried to tell her that what I have to say isn't that exciting. She insisted that I just write about what is going on in my day. So here you have it. My goal this week is blog EVERYDAY. You lucky people!
Cal & Brock
8 months ago
Oh my heck, I feel your pain in house hunting. I was so excited when we started the whole process, and after a few days in, every day we'd end looking at houses, I would just end up crying. It was SO hard to choose. I feel really good about the house we chose, though, so hopefully you do too! So I hope they accept your offer.
I also know how you feel about looking for a house. I hated the emotional up and down and TV does make it look so easy. That is just sick and wrong to be that misleading with people, especially first time home buyers. Life is hard enough without being mislead. I do really like the house you are trying to get. I hope the own and bank accept your offer. Good luck with it all and watch more funny shows so you don't cry to much.
Oh My Gosh I Love It!!! Good luck with everything. We miss you, but i love that you are doing so well. Come see us soon. XOXOXOX
cute house! what a great kitchen/living room set up. and is that a picture of kurt cobain in the master?? classy. anyway, it looks like a great place. hope everything works out for you!!
YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you blogged!!!! I love hearing about your days! It's such a good way to journal too. One day you'll look back on these crazy times and be soooo glad you wrote it down! Hang in there with the house hunting!!!!!
It was good to hear about your day. David likes those Anime movies too and Ponyo is one of the girls favorite movie.. it grew on me after a is a little strange I agree. There is another one that we like called your neighborhood Totoro..SO CUTE!
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