Today I have officially begun my winter break. Four weeks off. Four weeks of no reading, no studying, no sitting on the edge of my seat in class filled with anxiety that I might get called on, no case briefs, holdings, majority opinions, concurring opinions, or dissenting opinions. Four weeks of not having to go to that big building pictured above. It is four weeks to give my brain a rest. And trust me, four weeks is not nearly long enough.
The really cool thing about this semester coming to an end is that this officially marks my half way point in law school. The first half flew by and really challenged me. I fully expect the second half to go just as fast and challenge me even more.
Please do not take this the wrong way, I really enjoy law school, the law school finals however, are not so great. I have spent the last three weeks in the law library, non stop, studying for these dang tests. Poor Melody has pretty much been a single mother because I have rarely been around. She continues to support me though and doesn't complain about the time spent at school too much, even though I know our three little girls are not easy.
We are going to my parent's house in California for a few days after Christmas. My mom called last week asking if it is okay for she and my dad to rent a hotel room for Melody and I at Lake Tahoe so we can sneak away together for a night while our girls stay with them. Of course that is okay! Is it sad though that the first thought we had about having a hotel room to ourselves was that we can go to bed early and sleep in as late as we want? I guess we will work on that.
No way!! Your husband writes on your blog???
I don't think it's sad to think about sleep first. That was my first thought. Maybe you can also think about finishing a conversation without interuptions -that's also a nice. Can't wait to see you guys!
I can't believe that you are already half way done, time sure has flown by. I do hope that you enjoy your little adventure away from your kids and I also thought about sleeping in and I don't even have any children. I think that might be worse to say.
Way to work it with the hotel room. That's so nice of the parentals!!! I hope y'all have a super fun trip!
We are so glad we found your blog. We have been wondering how all of you have been doing. We are excited that Brandon is halfway through law school. We miss you in Rexburg very much!
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