Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sister Wives

I love this show! Christine makes me laugh, she's my favorite. How does everyone feel about this show? I am proud of them for standing up for what they believe in, but I wish that everyone didn't think they were Mormon. It impresses me that their family functions so well and that they are happy.


Mary-Anne said...

Ugh...I hate this show! It seriously creeps me out. It's very intriguing, though, I must say. I watched it a few times. I do wish everyone would stop thinking they were Mormon. They said they weren't on the first show, but I think they need to re-emphasize it! :)

Kristin said...

I am indifferent about the show! It bugs me...yet I can't NOT watch it! Ha ha. You know what else....this show, and these people are critisized for the way they are choosing to live life...yet freakin' CHARLIE SHEEN is supposedly awesome because he has two "goddesses", and is basically doing the same thing?!?!?!!?!?! DUMB!

Monica said...

I actually haven't seen or heard of this show but from what you all are saying not to sure if I would or should watch it.

Shannon said...

We don't have cable, so i just watched my first episode at my parents' house. Something I *might* get into if I did have cable! I'm amazed how normal they are despite being polygamists! And I think the govt/ child services/ whatever needs to leave them alone- they're not technically breaking any laws because he's only legally married to the first wife! (And seriously, if they weren't in Utah, would anyone really care?)

Bizzle said...

I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS SHOW. Seriously. Can't get enough!!!