Halloween is my second favorite holiday. My friend Mary-Anne and I thought it would be fun to have a
Halloween get together as an excuse for all of us adults to dress up even though all of our husbands complained about it.
Adia and Layla were witches, Cali was a 49er fan, I was a "whore" vampire, and Brandon was white trash. It was fantastic, Brandon played the part so well that when we were trick or treating people actually wondered if it was a costume or if he really dressed like that. I will be the first to tell you that if he dressed like that all the time we would
definitely NOT be married. It was hilarious! *Brandon shaved his goatee into a handlebar mustache (what a trooper) and wanted to make it perfectly clear that the Hooters shirt, John Deere hat, and flannel shirt are NOT his.
Adia was loving picking out all the seeds.