Everyone who knows Brandon and I know that we are not the most fit people. Well, a few months ago Brandon started this running program and has worked up to running 3 to 4 miles straight! I was really envious of him and he encouraged me to do this program too. Well, just yesterday I was able to run 30 minutes straight and could have easily gone longer. I can't explain how good it feels to run like that, my muscles get so tired and sore but I have a ton of energy and want to keep running longer and longer. I love it and can't wait to go running tomorrow. I have this friend who is running a marathon and I have the greatest respect for her, I don't think I would ever want to do that, but build up to running 5 miles a day would be great!
Here's the site http://www.wikihow.com/Begin-Running
Cal & Brock
8 months ago
Welcome to the true life of a runner. Isn't it amazing how much you can grow to love something that can hurt so bad. I love the feelings of accomplishment it gives you. Way to go!!!!
I'm not much of a runner myself but I have been really getting into hiking lately. The only sad part is that the snow has come and it is not safe to go hiking in the only place that I enjoy it.
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