What a great mother I am! I had this idea in my head about how fun it would be to bring a tree home and have the girls decorate it with me, have Brandon hang lights, drink hot cocoa...you know, the perfect family Christmas. I guess I didn't factor in that our kids are HORRIBLE 2 year olds with the biggest emotional crises every 2 seconds. Brandon and I had to hurry and put the tree up while the girls were in time out for like the 15th time that night and by the time bedtime came around half the ornaments were already off the tree with the stupid little metal tops pulled off!!! Ahhh!!! So next year I hope it will be better with only one 2 year old to deal with.
On a positive note, we got a free tree from one of the local state parks. The Silver Falls State Park bought some land with a Christmas tree farm on it and every year they cut a few down and have this Christmas activity day where they give out free trees, hot chocolate, the kids can make ornaments and gingerbread houses, it was so much fun. So, the whole day wasn't so bad, I really do love Christmas.
Cal & Brock
8 months ago